Holding on to your limiting beliefs about who you are and what you can do holds you back from living the life you truly deserve.

KiFlow Coaching

  • creates with you a framework of tools including Ki awareness, conscious breathing, emotional release, body awareness and relationship, consent and boundaries, energetic breath and sound, and movement - all tailored to help you create a positive impact in every moment of your life.

  • provides a body-centred approach which focuses on any areas of your life preventing you from a more positive outlook and experiences of your creative expression, self-image, and self-love.

  • supports you in your discovery and development of a positive unified relationship of your mind and body; to relax and reset your nervous system; and in your aspirations to create a more fulfilling and rewarding life, whether in pursuit of emotional, relationship or financial freedom.

What to expect

As a client you can receive either one-off sessions as necessary or you can book a number of consecutive sessions - this can be discussed during our initial conversation. Both avenues provide you with safe-as-possible and simple* practices to develop at home, at work, at rest and at play. A session may include specific focus around a particular circumstance and we build in useful practices to apply, or it may be more of an all-encompassing and broad-ranging review of your outlook on life. I invite you to bring in what is ‘alive’ and happening with you in the moment. We might spend time focused on a work-related issue and you may start to find that improvements and changes occur at home and other aspects of your life. You are invited to apply what we do in a session to the everyday moments and those less common and extraordinary moments. You can also receive follow-up or interval video calls to check in with your progress. For information about online coaching please click here.

*simple does not necessarily mean easy