About Me


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I gained my Honours Degree in Colour Chemistry at the end of the last century, and during my studies and since then I learned more about how we are often unconsciously affected by the stimulus effect of colour on our minds; our psychology and behaviour; our cultural identities and our spending preferences; the homeostasis of our nervous and limbic systems and our overall sense of well-being. It became a journey into learning more about how we are affected through all of our senses (including the thinking mind), consciously and unconsciously, by the wider field of stimuli we experience in life. In 2007 I began my study of Ki Aikido, from which I have continued the study of Ki, Life Force Energy - I have paused Aikido practice for the time being. I learned two big starter lessons; that there is a union, a relationship, of the mind and body that can be accessed to balance and enhance our life experience, our state of feeling in each moment. The other is that we can transmit our sense of Ki to others, through both touch and general proximity exposure, and we can change the following, to adapt, to create a more fulfilling and harmonious life, internally and externally.

  • reaction, response and repeat behaviour habits.

  • relaxed clarity and focus of mind.

  • presence within the experience-at-hand.

  • relationship with the body.

  • relationship with the breath.

  • relationship with external events.

In 2011 I was introduced to Tantra, embodied practices to promote Love for myself, and then a wider range of modes of transpersonal and somatic work including therapeutic bodywork, Reiki, conscious breathing, sacred sexuality, shamanic principles and I have since been developing and adapting tools to

  • actively embrace and explore my experiences of my mind and body as they arise, and change my current patterns if they do not serve me.

  • understand the importance of and apply the effects of improving my relationship with my body and breath.

  • move my body, as my body requires it, use my breath and sound to release physical-emotional discomfort; to improve my physical energy.

  • come back to me and loving me more in all the areas of my expression in life that can improve to create a more harmonious flow.

  • use conscious (voluntary) breathing and movement exercises to regulate both my body’s homeostasis and my mind’s activity.

Whatever goes into my body, be it food and drink or words and ideas from everything outside of me and inside of me, I make and take time to pause and listen to what my body is saying; to honour and respect it enough to have a 'conversation' with it that I (mind) can better understand my body’s needs and desires; to create the space for my body to move and make sounds the way my body requires in that moment; not through the filter of my mind but with a completely uncensored freedom - not one jot less than my body fully deserves. When I finally realised that this was and is of fundamental importance to moving my life forward, it was from this position, this relationship, that I found clearer space in my mind. I live my experience, my place in it, my responsibility for it, the increased pleasure and joy to be felt by it, the synergy of Centre, Extend and Flow so that they work together to give me a more fulfilling experience.

My experience of Bankruptcy


And if all else fails, dance