A sacred space where beats echo, hearts sync, and souls find their rhythm

Are you ready to experience the joy of conscious, intoxicant-free movement and free-dance? Join us for our regular Ecstatic Dance events in Edinburgh, Scotland! Held at the vibrant Sahara Studio in the Dalry area, our sessions offer a welcoming space for you to move freely and connect deeply. Whether you’re a local or visiting Central/East Scotland, our events provide a unique opportunity to engage in mindful movement and community connection. Check out our upcoming events on our Event page and come dance with us!

Ecstatic dance is most often a group experience; one which allows you to tap into the heart and soul of being human, and to reclaim your body as your home. Ecstatic dance is an act of healing through movement. During an ecstatic dance we can begin accessing parts of ourselves we may know to exist but don’t often tap into, or maybe even suppress - joyous feelings; feelings of empowerment; feelings of love; feelings of belonging. We can find ourselves feeling safe enough just to be who we are, without worry! We can discover new worlds within ourselves where freedom reigns supreme!

Ecstatic dance is connected to the elements of earth, air, water and fire. Your body becomes an instrument for communicating these elements: earth through groundedness; air through movement; water through fluidity; fire through intensity. Each element can be used in different ways to express emotions or create specific effects on the wider group.

Ecstatic Dance is a way to express yourself, uninhibited and free. It's a way for your body to move in a way that feels good - to cleanse, clear, create and celebrate. The point is not to do it perfectly or look good doing it; it's about feeling good and true within yourself while freely moving! 

These events are an invitation for you to set an intention; to quiet the mind for a moment; to tune into your body; and to allow your body to speak through its unique movement, rhythm, and dance. Learn to give no concern with how you look as you move, or whether it looks like anything you’ve ever done or seen before. If it feels good, do that. (Note: Be aware of your surrounding space to move safely)

Allow the vibe and energy of the music to take you on an inner journey. Your journey may be a way to help release or find something within you; to tap into or further nurture your creativity; a contribution to healing by letting your body make the moves it needs; or a melodic accompaniment to a conscious moment of self-appreciation. Or some of each. Allow discomfort, 'feel-in' to any resistances and tightness, welcome it all, and move and dance it all through you. Relax, let your body do the talking, and and give yourself all the permission to simply let go.

This is an opportunity for you to touch base with yourself and celebrate your unique amazingness. No words, simply move.

What you can expect:

  • Introduction to Ecstatic Dance and guided movement/meditation to ground you into the event space; to connect with what is inside you; to let go of anything you don’t need in the space with you.

  • Free movement to a musical journey, approx. 90 minutes - Live set with our DJ, Still Monkey (Bruce).

  • Time to integrate your experience, most often a pre-recorded sound-bath.

  • Little connections/Closing circle.



Things we need you to be on board with when attending our Ecstatic Dance events:

  • Be clear-headed - it is the standard policy of Waken Connect Transform Ecstatic Dance events that there is no consumption of intoxicants before or during the event.

  • Be considerate - Ecstatic Dance is an individual dance. Give space to each other. While it is very often experienced as a group event it is very important to allow each other to have their own experience. Listen for a Yes, and respect a No. Always.

  • Be connected - one of the best ways to ground into the experience from the start is to remove all footwear and to feel your bare feet on the floor (or the earth depending on the dance location). We ask that you remove shoes and socks, however, if you need to wear socks we ask that they are clean-on for the event.

  • Be present - the aim is to minimise distractions to your experience, so we ask that you switch off your phone, or at least turn off all call and notification volumes. If you do need to make an important or urgent call during the event we ask you to leave the immediate dance space to do so.

  • Be embodied - this is an opportunity for your body to do all of the expressing, so we encourage no talking during the dance phase of the event. Your authentic sound is always welcome!

  • Be comfortable - When preparing for an ecstatic dance event, it’s important to prioritize comfort and freedom of movement. Breathable fabrics like cotton, bamboo, or moisture-wicking blends are ideal as they help keep you cool and comfortable throughout the dance. You can choose between fitted clothing, such as leggings or snug tops, which provide support and minimize distractions, or opt for loose-fitting garments like harem pants or flowy tops that allow for unrestricted movement and create beautiful shapes as you dance.

  • Be free - quite simply, move and dance as you want. There is no correct way to move, no judgement to be given or taken. Some don’t stop moving from the beginning to the end, others ebb and flow with their internal tide, and others still may appear to move very little. What is that felt-sense or emotion inside that wants to move through you? Follow that, and move as it wishes to move.

Click here for our event page to find out where and when our upcoming events will be held

An example of Bruce’s sets: