If you're on this page it’s possible there’s something going on at a 'deeper' level that you’re experiencing in your life that you'd like to change, a behaviour or pattern you’d like to not keep repeating, and you're looking for information or help.

If you identify to any degree with anything from the list below, and you are looking to make a powerful, positive difference to your life I may be the person you're looking for.

Do you:

  • experience your days feeling like something is missing, lacking from your life, you can't put your finger on it and you're not taking part in your life the way you really want to, deserve to?

  • suffer with anxiety, depression, overwhelm or panic attacks, dissociation, joylessness, or have difficulty coping with increased feelings of rage and anger?

  • find it difficult to talk to those closest to you about what is troubling you, fearing that your concerns will be met with unhelpful responses and may be detrimental to those relationships?

  • feel increased physical discomfort or shortness of breath, pain or loss of physical or bodily sensation when experiencing any anxiety, depression, overwhelm, etc?

  • find you’re trapped in the same old thought patterns, that you know aren’t helping and often you eventually feel worse.

  • have problems coping at work or home, e.g. relationships, workload or responsibilities, clearing yourself from recent events before leaving work or before arriving home, or vice versa?

  • get nervous about opening up to how your body really feels, and what it might have to say?

  • have difficulty accessing face-to-face support and would like to try an online option? (this service requires video call capability)