Tune into your body? Where is your centre?


What difference does it make, anyway?

How are you feeling? Are you excited by and open to the possibilities and potential of right now and what’s coming? Are you vibrant and connected when you walk into work or into your home, or is there an impending sense of anxiety, panic or dread as you approach either door? Do you get riled up at all those less-than-perfect drivers on the road or do you appreciate that, just like you, they have things happening in their life, they possibly made a mistake, and you can remember a previous occasion when you were in their position?

Below are some common symptoms many people in our fast-paced, aggressive society experience, which are holding them back from really moving forward to living an excellent life.

  • Believe life is lived from the mind, that the body is a utensil, that there is nothing useful the body can offer to improve one’s life.

  • Not satisfied with life, generally, and are often easily distracted, disheartened or burnt out by the apparent chaos of daily life.

  • Get really frustrated when people do things they don't like, and experience symptoms like the body get's tight, breathing gets shallow, heart rate gets elevated, mind throws up objections and problems.

  • Expect a hard day ahead and set up their thinking to match that expectation.

  • Anxious or panicked about an upcoming event or situation, but they really want to experience it with ease and grace.

  • Have great ideas but 'something else' often comes along and stops progress.

  • Know they can do better and that life can be better right now, but they’re feeling down, stuck in a rut, or just don't know what to do.

  • Get so frustrated that they sometimes want to just verbally or emotionally explode right where they are.

  • Think they don’t have time to make small changes that can have a powerful effect.

Do you recognise any of these symptoms? and how is your body feeling just now? What does it have to say about the choices you are making for it? Have you ever taken time to find out? Would you understand, and would you know what to do if you could understand? Really, take this moment and notice anything you can feel that wasn’t noticeable a couple of minutes ago. Maybe your breathing got shallower, your shoulders and back tightened or hunched forward - or both - and maybe your chest or stomach, legs or arms tightened and you began to feel an increasing discomfort. It is incredible the effect your thinking can instantly have on your body. It is important that when these sensations arise in the body that you have tools immediately available to reset your body’s homeostasis - to remember and come back to your centre, reclaim your breath and to unblock your flow. Some tools are incredibly simple and easy to incorporate, others require more practice and further understanding around what’s happening in the relationship of your mind and body.

If your concerns about your life feel deeper and more pressing please click here, and let's see how I can support you.